Vocal Coaches

Vocal Coach

Gudrun Ayasse
Wolfgang Millgramm
Ulrich Paetzholdt
Andreas Talarowski
Kathryn Wright


Gudrun Ayasse

Description: Voice teacher, singer and voice therapist. I teach voice and together with acknowledged phoniatrists I take care of singers with functional and pathological vocal problems.

Background: Vocal studies at Indiana University and Mozarteum Salzburg. Three year training in speech pathology after Schlaffhorst- Andersen. Masterclasses and musical studies. Currently mostly influenced by my work with David Jones. Performances in opera, concert and oratorio. Professional trainings in the field of voice, breath, bodywork, yoga, psychology and acting. Since 2006 studio and clinic for voice therapy and training in Munich

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Prof. Kammersänger Wolfgang Millgramm

Description: Heldentenor

Background: Heldentenor und Professor für Gesang an der Folkwang Hochschule Essen

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Ulrich Paetzholdt

Description: • Auftritts-Coaching • Selbstfürsorge-Training • Korrepetition in Verbindung mit Coaching/Mentaltraining • Rückverbindung zu sich selbst, nachdem man Höchstleistung erzielt hat.

Background: Ulrich Paetzholdt ist zertifizierter Anwender der Coaching-Tools in den Bereichen PEP (Prozess- und Embodiment-fokussierte Psychologie) nach Dr. Michael Bohne und Sport-Mentaltraining nach dem HIM (Heidelberger Institut für Mentaltraining) und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung als Chordirektor an großen Opernhäusern und als Korrepetitor.

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Andreas Talarowski

Description: Andreas Talarowski gives singing lessons for opera- and musicalsinger and is the host of the monthly “open class-Vorsingtraining” at the “Studio für Gesang Berlin” Info: 030/ 3424118

Background: Andreas Talarowski studied Musiktheater-operasinging at the HDK Berlin and is the director of the “Studio für Gesang Berlin” He is coached by David Jones, New York

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Ms. Kathryn Wright

Description: I work with young singers as well as established professionals, helping them to maximize their musical preparation and interpretive skills, whether it’s refreshing a known role, learning a new one, or preparing an audition package. I work in almost all repertoires, except Slavic.

Background: I have been in Germany for over 20 years and have worked for the Oper der Stadt Köln under James Conlon, the Semper Oper Dresden under Sinopoli and Bychkov, and am currently at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. In addition I spent 8 Winter Seasons at the Australian Opera in Sydney and worked at the Metropolitan Opera part time for 4 years between 1995 and 1999.

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